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12 Steps To A Healthier You!

So, you say you're ready to live a healthier lifestyle… sound familiar? Perhaps you're even ready to live a healthy lifestyle! Yet no matter how resolute your statement sounds, feels, or is intended to be there you are… still doing the same thing today that you were doing yesterday, the day before and, the day before.

Have you asked yourself why?

Have you even considered that you must make a significant change for this to happen?

Has there been a moment in time where you have sat down and determined exactly what it is you need to, want to, and/or will do, to produce this healthier or healthy lifestyle?

Let me tell you what I see day in and day out. I hear and see people saying everything they wish they could stop, everything they wish they had started already, everything they wish they had time for, everything they wish they knew how to... And I also hear and see “I will when... the kids get out of school .. when the kids go back to school… after the holiday… after vacation” etc, etc...

I liken these type of examples to manifestation from the couch…. It sounds amazing, it has been sent out to the universe…. and anyone else who has been willing to listen…. but hasn’t landed on the coffee table in front of us! Unless of course, you were manifesting the TV remote, a bag of chips, or a package of Oreos!

All change takes action. Sometimes giant scary action!

So here are some recommendations to help you get into motion and start attaining:

1. Write down YOUR definition of a healthy (healthier) lifestyle! You can’t create something you don’t know what it is.

2. Get a Life Coach, Health Coach, and Coach who specializes in healthy living! (compare your definition to theirs)

3. Define your Health Categories! Knowing the ingredients is crucial to a palatable existence *note; there are at least 6(physical, spiritual, emotional, mental, etc..)

4. Create your Self-Observation System! Any coach worth their weight will have one ready for you!

5. Observe each of your Health Categories for a solid week taking impeccable notes.

6. Take time to review, dissect, and evaluate each observational outcome.

7. Identify what is working well! AND why!

8. Call out what isn’t working as well as you would like! AND why! Break it down, know what areas need adjustment, call them out, but don’t lose sight of the parts you can keep~ why recreate more than is necessary.

9. Look at what is not working well for you at all! AND why!

10. Be willing to do the work it takes to look at what isn’t working, identify how you would prefer it looked, felt, or functioned.

11. Take everything that is working well, capitalize on that by discovering how it can manipulate areas you had to discard.

12. Get ready for action! Again, get a coach! They are worth their weight in gold when you find the right fit!

Here is the definition of a coach: A good coach is positive, enthusiastic, supportive, trusting, focused, goal-oriented, knowledgeable, observant, respectful, patient and a clear communicator. Put simply, coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the 'here and now rather than on the distant past or future. ... Coaching is unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.

Now if you prefer to learn what you need on your own, then I would recommend you visit, they have some amazing resources for you to take that can help you identify the skills you have and the skills you need!

But if you’re ready to dig in and you’re not afraid to allow another on your journey, then let’s chat now and get started here at

I can’t wait to coach you!

Until Next Time!

Tricia P.

Your Recovery Lifestyle Coach

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